10 Top Resources for Women Who Photograph

The 8th March is International Women's Day This year, the theme is #ChooseToChallenge, raising awareness, challenging bias and fighting for equality.

We've put together a list of resources for women in photography, people who are doing great work in the promotion of women in their various fields of photographic and visual work.

Resources for Women Who Photograph

Women in photography know that it is a challenging industry, with misogyny and sexism still frequently encountered. This often leads to an imbalance in output: exhibitions, publications, features and even just getting hired is heavily weighted towards men.

This is what makes groups, organisations and societies that help and support women all the more important. Communities that promote women mean that excuses like, 'we just couldn't find a woman photographer,' and 'women aren't putting themselves forward,' no longer fly. They create safer spaces for growth and discussion, they help with education, with grants and awards, and they put us in touch with individuals who may soon become a network of support.

1. Women Photograph

Women Photograph is a wonderful non-profit who I’ve followed since they launched in 2017. Set up for women and nonbinary photojournalists, Women Photograph keep an up-to-date list of women photographers which is available online by area, and which they also distribute to picture editors and creative directors to ensure that wherever a photojournalist is needed, they’ll have the option of hiring a woman.

‘Our mission is to shift the makeup of the photojournalism community and ensure that our industry's chief storytellers are as diverse as the communities they hope to represent.’

Opportunities and Resources

WP do a wonderful job of collecting and updating resources available for women, separated into useful sections on their website.

Bookmark this site and check back regularly for new opportunities and you can sign up to their newsletter to make sure you don’t miss anything.

Over on Twitter, Women Photograph do a regular feature called ‘The Week in Pictures’ where they breakdown the gender split of photographs published in the most popular outlets. The results are frequently heavily weighted towards men, and Women Photograph try to hold those publications to account and ask them to do better. You can also follow Women Photograph on Facebook and Instagram.

2. Hundred Heroines

In 2018 the Royal Photographic society ran a campaign encouraging people to nominate women photographers to be whittled down to 100 and featured in an exhibition. Since then, HH have achieved charitable status and their all-women trustees work to spread the word about amazing women in photography and the visual arts.

‘Hundred Heroines is the only UK charity dedicated to advancing public awareness of women in photography. Heroines worldwide are using photography to change perceptions of women by highlighting inequalities, pushing boundaries, tackling taboo subjects, examining difficult social issues and challenging norms.’

Opportunities and Resources

Hundred Heroines are still growing and don’t currently have any grants or workshops, but it’s worth checking back now and again. They recently ran a workshop which led to two paid internships, and they plan to do more in the future. Meanwhile, they’re a great educational resource and you can access things like their:

  • Film Festival – a weekly roundup of films made by or about women
  • Exhibitions – Featuring wonderful women photographers plus any current opportunities to submit work.

Sign up to their newsletter and follow them on Twitter, Instagram and Facebook. You can also buy HH merch including postcards featuring images by famous women photographers.

Christina Broom (self-portrait), Scottish photographer credited as the UK's first female press photographer - public domain
Christina-Broom, Scottish photographer credited as the UK's first female press photographer - public domain

3. Foto-Féminas

Foto Féminas was founded by Verónica Sanchis Bencomo  who uses the site to feature women photographers working in Latin America and the Caribbean. You can also see the work of other Latin American women photographers through their series of photobooks and zines.

Opportunities and Resources

You can view some of the recently featured work and follow Foto Féminas on Twitter, Instagram and Facebook.

4. Black Women Photographers

Launched in 2020 by Polly Irungu, BWP started out by raising $14,000 to help Black women and Black non-binary photographers during the pandemic. Black Women Photographers aims to help Black women get hired and achieve proper recognition for their work.

‘Black Women Photographers aims to disrupt the notion that it is difficult to discover and commission Black creatives. Dedicated to providing a resource for the industry’s gatekeepers.’

Opportunities and Resources

You can follow Black Women Photographers on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.

5. Authority Collective

Fighting for real inclusion and equality over token representation, Authority Collective are a group of over 200 women, non-binary and gender expansive people of colour working with Photography, Film and VR. They believe in genuine engagement with communities and that before telling a story, a photographer should listen and understand.

‘Our goal is to remove barriers to access for BIPOC entering editorial, journalism, documentary, commercial and fine art careers. The Authority Collective connects our community members with job, mentorship, networking and professional development resources.’

Opportunities and Resources

To join the Authority Collective you must be a women or non-binary person of colour and be actively working in lens-based visual media. You can also follow them on Twitter, Instagram and Facebook.

Dorothea Lange - Grocery store in Oakland California, 1942 via Library of Congress
Dorothea Lange - Grocery store in Oakland California, 1942 via Library of Congress

6. Alpha Universe - Alpha Female+ - A One-Off Grant

Sony’s Alpha Female+ Grant programme is the chance to receive $5000 towards shooting your project, a camera and lens to do it with and a year subscription to Adobe CC, plus more. This is only available to those women over the age of 18, living in the US and Canada (excluding the Province of Quebec).

‘We’re on a mission to support the growth of underrepresented voices in photography, videography, and filmmaking, and provide a platform for creators across the artistic spectrum furthering this mission with their work.’

7. The Society For Photographic Education

To help grow our understanding of photography and its wider implications, the Society for Photographic Education engages a worldwide membership of teachers and artists via conferences, events and publications.

SPE is growing in bold, exciting ways in areas of K-12 education, community service and outreach, and expanding as an international non-profit organization to develop a broader understanding of how photography matters in the world.

Opportunities and Resources

Follow SPE on Twitter, Instagram and Facebook.

8. Photographic Museum of Humanity

Although not specifically for women, PHmuseum offer £30,000 worth of grants each year and have, as recently as last year, occasionally included a grant for women, so it’s worth checking what becomes available.

‘PHmuseum is a curated platform dedicated to contemporary photography. Since 2012 we have been focused to find innovative ways to display photography, engage, educate, and connect.’

Opportunities and Resources

Follow PHmuseum on Twitter, Facebook and Instagram.

9. Women You Should Know

Women You Should Know was founded by Jen Jones and Cynthia Hornig in 2011. A decade later it’s still dedicated to helping to empower women and girls.

‘Our mission is impact-rich and inclusive. We shine a spotlight on women and girls who are striving, building, and innovating, changing the status quo, crushing stereotypes, and defying the odds. We also cover topics, news and issues that matter to women and girls.’

Opportunities and Resources

You can follow the good work of WYSK on Twitter, Facebook and Instagram.

10. The Women's Organisation

TWO are committed to helping and promoting women through community, business and government policy.

‘We want all women to aspire and achieve. We are the largest developer and deliverer of training and support aimed at women in the UK, but our impact reaches beyond our location in the Liverpool City Region and North West England. Through different collaborations, we are able to work with women and communities from diverse backgrounds right across the world, helping them to tackle and solve the unique challenges they face.’

Opportunities and Resources

You can follow The Women’s Organisation on Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook.

Further Reading

We've put together some articles and interviews related to women in photography that we thought you might enjoy.

Articles about women in photography:

Interviews with contemporary women photographers:

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