30+ Free Signature Fonts (Script Fonts to Download Now)

Don't let a less than outstanding signature hold you back. Instead, try a cool signature font and create a unique signature you can be proud of.

Signature Fonts from Envato Elements
Try a premium signature font from Envato Elements, like Magnolia Stylish Signature Font

Today we'll share with you over 30 free signature style fonts as well as a selection of the best signature fonts to be found at Envato Elements.

Unlimited Signature Font Downloads at Envato Elements

Unlimited Signature Font Downloads at Envato Elements

Undoubtedly, free fonts are a great resource when you have no money and need a font for an upcoming project. Free fonts, though, come with certain challenges, like licensing and use restrictions, cumbersome attribution commitments, and the danger of downloading hidden malware from unreliable online source sites. That's why we're including an alternative resource for signature tattoos for the budget-conscious designer: Envato Elements. 

At Envato Elements, you can download as many signature style fonts as you want, as often as you want to, for one flat monthly fee. That monthly fee also gives you unlimited access to thousands of graphic templates, icons, photos, etc. 

Here's a selection of the best signature fonts you can find at Elements.

12+ Best Signature Fonts From Envato Elements

Right Signature Font (OTF, TTF)

Right Signature Font

Get your signature right with the Right Signature Font. A perfect choice when you need an elegant font for personal branding, logos, labels, product packaging, and more.

Berrta Signature Font (TTF, OTF, WOFF)

Berrta Signature Font

Looking for the best photography signature fonts? Then check out Berrta. With its authentic handcrafted feel and generous loops, it’s the kind of unforgettable font your work deserves. 

Emmanuela // Signature Font (TTF, OTF, WOFF)

Emmanuela Signature Font

This may not be everyone’s cup of tea, but there’s no denying that Emmanuela is a distinct signature font that's bound to grab and hold attention. The font contains the usual upper and lowercase characters, numbers, and punctuation, along with ligatures, alternates, swashes, and more to help you create a distinct, one-of-a-kind signature. 

Hobbies Signature Script Font (TTF, OTF, WOFF)

Hobbies Signature Script Font

The elegant and distinct Hobbies is the kind of signature font that artists and other creatives need to use to stand out. And don’t worry—the font comes with so many embellishments that everyone can create their own unique look. 

Estrela Signature Style Font (TTF, OTF, WOFF)

Estrela Signature Style Font

Nothing says luxury better than Estrela, a superb handwritten cursive signature font that can only add more value to your chosen projects. The font includes upper and lowercase characters, numbers, and punctuation, and it comes with ligatures for creating your own stand-out look. 

Hamilton - Elegant Signature Font (TTF, OTF, WOFF) 

Hamilton - Elegant Signature Font

Hamilton is a handwritten signature font with the usual Latin characters as well as a healthy serving of swashes and ligatures, so that you can create your own unique look. Use this elegant font for your artwork, labels, products, and more.

Cherrys Handwritten Signature Font (OTF, TTF)

Cherrys Handwritten Signature Font

Sign off in style with this hand-crafted signature font. Cherrys is ideal for stationery, logos, pull quotes, book covers, and more. It comes in OTF and TTF format, with ligatures and multilingual support.

Berastagi | Signature Style Font (OTF, TTF)

Berastagi Signature Style Font

It's not easy to recreate realistic handwriting, but Berastagi does a great job, thanks to its 179 ligatures, which make it easy to give your text the variety of real handwriting. Use it on your brand packaging, wedding invitations, and more.

Beckman Demons - Elegant Signature Font (OTF, TTF, WOFF)

Beckman Demons - Elegant Signature Font

Despite the name, there's nothing demonic about this font. It's elegant and eye-catching: just look at those extravagant flourishes on the capital letters! It comes in OTF, TTF, and WOFF formats, with special ligatures and multilingual support.

Be Grateful Signature Script Font (OTF, TTF, WOFF)

Be Grateful Signature Script Font

"Be Grateful" is good life advice, but it's also a great signature font, with its unique script style and creative flourishes. There are so many options here to let you vary the look of your text, thanks to 414 glyphs and plenty of alternate characters too.

Soredime - Signature Script Font (TTF, OTF)

Soredime - Signature Script Font

Soredime comes with a very understated tagline: "just another script." In fact, it's anything but. This elegant signature font would be ideal for logos, fashion design, wedding invitations, and more.

Baropetha Elegant Signature Font (TTF, OTF)

Baropetha Elegant Signature Font

Baropetha is a unique signature font that looks simple and classy. As with many of the other premium options, you get loads of options for customising your text and making it look like a real human signature. Try five elegant weight variations, OpenType features such as ligatures, and an italic version. Download it and start experimenting!

Anastacia Signature Like Font (TTF, OTF)

Anastacia Signature Like Font

Doesn't that look like a real signature? Anastacia is carefully designed to mimic the rhythm of real handwriting, making it perfect for magazines, greeting cards, and more. It comes with glyphs, numerals, symbols, and punctuation, as well as ligatures and multilingual support.

30+ Best Free Signature Fonts to Download

BLENHEIM - Free Signature Font

BLENHEIM - Free Signature Font

If you need one of the best cursive signature fonts that's free for download, check out Blenheim: a wonderfully cursive signature font that'll bring a modern touch to your project.

CERVANTTIS - Free Signature Font

CERVANTTIS - Free Signature Font

How's this for a fancy signature font download? It can be used in just about any project for branding, logos, social media, product packaging, and more. And the best part is, it's free. 

KINGSLAND - Handwritten Signature Font

KINGSLAND - Handwritten Signature Font

The best signature fonts are a bit inconsistent, and that's just what Kingsland offers. Enough inconsistency to mimic realistic handwriting, while keeping things classy.

Southampton Signature Script Font

Southhampton Signature Script Font

Looking for a good signature font for your label? Why not try Southampton? A free signature font you can download in an instant and apply to your next project. 

Black Pink Signature Like Font

Black Pink Signature Like Font

Black Pink Signature Like Font is great for any project where you need some elegant calligraphy. Use it on your website, stationery, branding, and more. 

Brittany Cursive Signature Font

Brittany Cursive Signature Font

Be cool, be elegant with Brittany Cursive Signature Script, the perfect flow curves script for your fashion label or other special creative project.

EMMELINE - Free Signature Script Font

EMMELINE - Free Signature Script Font

Not all signatures have to be flowing. In fact, there's a lot to be said for clean, modern signatures with controlled lines like Emmeline. This free handwritten brush font comes with more than 260 characters, including upper and lower case, alternates, and special characters.

Hunter River - Free Signature Fonts

Hunter River - Free Signature Fonts

Here's another hand-drawn signature brush script font that goes for shorter, more controlled lines. This natural and stylish calligraphy look is perfect for prints, postcards, logos, men's wearables, etc.

BARCELONY - Free Signature Fonts

BARCELONY - Free Signature Fonts

Barcelony is a casual monoline signature stylish script that would work equally well for branding projects as it would for product packaging or design, labels, stationery, etc. If you need a fancy signature font download, this is it. 

Tuesday Night - Free Signature Fonts

Tuesday Night - Free Signature Fonts

Looking for the best cursive signature font out there? Well, Tuesday night is certainly a contender. Download this free signature font and take it for a spin. Something tells us you'll love it. 

Reman Free Signature Fonts

Reman Free Signature Fonts

There are many gorgeous fonts that look like signatures, and this is one of our favourites. Reman is a beautiful monoline script with a smooth, hand-drawn style and big, loopy capitals. Use it for your personal branding and logos. 

Auto Signature - Free Cursive Signature Font

Auto Signature - Free Cursive Signature Font

Can't you just see this lovely signature font on your label or gracing the bottom of your artwork? The beautiful extended lines give the font an easy elegance that's hard to beat. 

Brilliant Signature Type Fonts

Brilliant Signature Type Fonts

Looking for a modern signature font? Brilliant is, as the name suggests, just brilliant. This signature style font offers two stylistic variants: regular and italic. Use either one to create just the right look for your brand. 

Viguier Signature Type Fonts

Viguier Signature Type Fonts

Maybe it's not the most legible, but this is certainly one of the best cursive signature fonts for those looking for a font with a bit of mystery and attitude. 

Kasting Fancy Signature Font Download

Kasting Fancy Signature Font Download

This stylish script font is perfect for branding projects, logos, labels, product packaging, and a host of other purposes. Download it for free and give it a try.

Wild Youth Signature Script Font Free Download

Wild Youth Signature Script Font Free Download

This beautiful hand-drawn brush script attempts to capture the wild abandon of a great outdoor adventure. Use it as a signature script font to bring some of that wild 'outdoorsiness' to your own projects. 

Ashfort Signature Like Font

Ashfort Signature Like Font

How about this wonderfully expressive brush script font? With its painterly qualities, this free signature font would work well for artists and other creatives everywhere.

Monique Elegant Signature Font

Monique Elegant Signature Font

Free is free, but not necessarily good. No one, however, could accuse Monique of not being a good signature font. Available for both personal and commercial use, this is one reliable font every designer should have in their toolbox. 

FREE | Signatie Signature Type Fonts

FREE Signatie Signature Type Fonts

Need the best photography signature font that you can download for free? Then check out Signatie. It's so flowy and expressive that you won't be able to resist it. 

OLIVER QUIN - Signature Script Font Free Download

OLIVER QUIN - Signature Script Font Free Download

A font that looks like signature doesn't get much better than Oliver Quin, a handwriting script font with lots of character and quirk. This is the font for you if you want a signature that's a bit different from the rest. 

Salted Mocha - Signature Like Font

Salted Mocha - Signature Like Font

If you love the look of brush stroke textures, you'll love Salted Mocha. The hand-drawn brush script font features authentic brush strokes with loopy strokes and a bouncing baseline, giving this signature font a playful vibe. 

FREE | Satrinah Cursive Signature Font

FREE Satrinah Cursive Signature Font

Looking for the best signature font for your luxury brand? How about Satrinah? This finely drawn font is just what you need to leave your mark on the world. 

Gravity Handwritten Signature Font

Gravity Handwritten Signature Font

And just in case the font above isn't quite your cup of tea, we've included Gravity, another terrific free signature font for luxury brands. The font includes a complete set of upper and lowercase characters, numerals, punctuation, ligatures, swashes, and more. 

Stay Classy - Elegant Signature Font 

Stay Classy - Elegant Signature Font

Staying classy is always good advice, and we have a font that by its name and style will be a good reminder for you. Stay Classy font includes over 70 ligatures, lowercase alternates, and support for multiple languages. This signature font is free for commercial use.

White Angelica - Signature Type Fonts

White Angelica - Signature Type Fonts

White Angelica Signature is an excellent choice for a wide range of projects that require a signature font. Don't hesitate to use it for your photographs, labels, invitations, etc. But remember: it's free for personal use only.

Roses, Please - Free Signature Fonts

Roses Please - Free Signature Fonts

Roses: who doesn't love them? And who wouldn't love this authentic-looking handwritten signature font? It's free to use, so download it and take it for a spin. 

Strength Signature Like Font

Strength Signature Like Font

Looking for a font that communicates strength? Well, it's not a stretch when we say that this font does just that. Complete with upper and lowercase characters, numbers, punctuation, ligatures, and alternates, Strength is a signature font you can't go wrong with. 

Salindia - Fancy Signature Font Download

Salindia - Fancy Signature Font Download

Salindia is truly a picture of understated elegance. With 280 glyphs made up of upper and lowercase characters, numerals, punctuation, ligatures, and more, there is nothing you cannot do with this versatile font.

Sophia Christie - Fancy Signature Font Download

Sophia Christie - Fancy Signature Font Download

Don't let this fine line signature font fool you. Delicate though it is, it packs a punch. Use it for your websites, social media, invitations, or other times when an authentic signature font is called for. 

Sundale Font Duo - Signature Script Font Free Download

Sundale Font Duo - Signature Script Font Free Download

You really get a great deal with this duo font set made up of a script and a serif font. This free-flowing, feminine signature font is a great choice for when your projects call for a title/text font and a signature font that play well together. 

Hello Santtiny - Free Signature Font

Hello Santtiny - Free Signature Font

This fat brush signature type font has a distinctly modern flavour. This makes it a great candidate for all sorts of projects. Don't hesitate to download it for free and try it in your next venture. 

Brittany Signature Type Fonts

Brittany Signature Type Fonts

Or try Brittany Signature, a monoline script font that is not only free for commercial use but also wonderfully versatile and elegant. 

Choose Your Favourite Signature Font Today 

If you need a good signature font and have no money to spend on acquiring one, then free fonts are the way to go. On the other hand, if you have a small budget, Envato Elements is a terrific resource for the best signature fonts on the internet. If you also regularly need mockups, icons, and other design resources, Elements offers unlimited downloads for one low monthly fee. 

And finally, if you want more information on other terrific font styles, check out these really helpful articles below: 

from Envato Tuts+ Tutorials


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