Showing posts from February, 2018
How to Make Living Still Images With Looping Photo Animator for After Effects
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How to Make an Educational PowerPoint Presentation - Quickly
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20 Free Google Sheets Business Templates to Use in 2018
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A Gentle Introduction to Higher-Order Components in React: Best Practices
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This is the third part of the series on Higher-Order Components. In the first tutorial, we started from ground zero. We learned the basics of ES6 syntax, higher-order functions, and higher-order components. The higher-order component pattern is useful for creating abstract components—you can use them to share data (state and behavior) with your existing components. In the second part of the series, I demonstrated practical examples of code using this pattern. This includes protected routes, creating a configurable generic container, attaching a loading indicator to a component, etc. In this tutorial, we will have a look at some best practices and dos and don'ts that you should look into while writing HOCs. Introduction React previously had something called Mixins, which worked great with the React.createClass method. Mixins allowed developers to share code between components. However, they had some drawbacks, and the idea was dropped eventually. Mixins were ...
How to Use Luma Matte Video Transitions in Premiere Pro
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10 Easy Animated Infographic Video Templates for After Effects
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Storing Data Securely on Android
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An app's credibility today highly depends on how the user's private data is managed. The Android stack has many powerful APIs surrounding credential and key storage, with specific features only available in certain versions. This short series will start off with a simple approach to get up and running by looking at the storage system and how to encrypt and store sensitive data via a user-supplied passcode. In the second tutorial, we will look at more complex ways of protecting keys and credentials. The Basics The first question to think about is how much data you actually need to acquire. A good approach is to avoid storing private data if you don't really have to. For data that you must store, the Android architecture is ready to help. Since 6.0 Marshmellow, full-disk encryption is enabled by default, for devices with the capability. Files and SharedPreferences that are saved by the app are automatically set with the MODE_PRIVATE constant. This means the data can be a...
How to Define a Target Audience (For Your Marketing Plans)
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Eloquent Mutators and Accessors in Laravel
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In this article, we'll go through mutators and accessors of the Eloquent ORM in the Laravel web framework. After the introduction, we'll go through a handful of examples to understand these concepts. In Laravel, mutators and accessors allow you to alter data before it's saved to and fetched from a database. To be specific, the mutator allows you to alter data before it's saved to a database. On the other hand, the accessor allows you to alter data after it's fetched from a database. In fact, the Laravel model is the central place where you can create mutator and accessor methods. And of course, it's nice to have all your modifications in a single place rather than scattered over different places. Create Accessors and Mutators in a Model Class As you're familiar with the basic concept of mutators and accessors now, we'll go ahead and develop a real-world example to demonstrate it. I assume that you're aware of the Eloquent model in Laravel, and w...
18 Best Photoshop (PSD) Resume Templates (With Photo Formats)
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A Gentle Introduction to HOC in React: Learn by Example
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How to Create a Portrait With One Colour in Adobe Illustrator
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Code a Widget for Your Android App: Updating the Widget
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New Course: Code a Registration Form Using Bootstrap and jQuery
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Code an App With GraphQL, React Native and AWS AppSync: the App
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Why Are My Mobile Phone Images Rotated on My Desktop?
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A Gentle Introduction to Higher-Order Components in React
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Efficiency Tips for Working With Sketch Artboards and Layers
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How to Draw Heart-Shaped Daisies in Adobe Illustrator
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How to Create a Dark Photo Effect Action for Beginners in Adobe Photoshop
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CMYK Process Printing for the Emerging T-Shirt Designer
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New Course: 10 Essential Design Tips in Adobe Illustrator
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How to Write a Short Professional Bio (With Templates and Examples)
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How to Retouch Photos With the Visualize Spots Tool in Adobe Lightroom
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15+ Best Personal Finance & Budgeting Software for 2018
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Meet 5 Hot New Video Artists on Envato Market This Month (February 2018)
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How to Design Flat Icons in Affinity Designer: Cargo Truck Icon
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Top 40 Inspirational Quotes of Black Entrepreneurs & Leaders
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Creating a Sense of 3D With the Perspective Property of CSS3
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Understanding Particles and Dynamics in Maya—Part 17
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How to Create a Black History Month Collage in Adobe Photoshop & Lightroom
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Learn How to Create an Online Store With Shopify in Our New Course
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How to Use Your Reflector When Filming in Tough Outdoor Environments
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How to Design Flat Icons in Affinity Designer: Shopping Basket and Dress Icons
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How to Apply Instagram Filters in the Browser Using Pure CSS
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How to Edit & Format Cells in Google Sheets Spreadsheets
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How to Create Five On-Trend ASE Color Palettes in Adobe Software
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How to Design Flat Icons in Affinity Designer: Discount Badge and Hanger Icons
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How to Create a Modern Restaurant Website (11 Top Tips)
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JSON Serialization With Golang
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Overview JSON is one of the most popular serialization formats. It is human readable, reasonably concise, and can be parsed easily by any web application using JavaScript. Go as a modern programming language has first-class support for JSON serialization in its standard library. But there are some nooks and crannies. In this tutorial you'll learn how to effectively serialize and deserialize arbitrary as well as structured data to/from JSON. You will also learn how to deal with advanced scenarios such as serialization enums. The json Package Go supports several serialization formats in the encoding package of its standard library. One of these is the popular JSON format. You serialize Golang values using the Marshal() function into a slice of bytes. You deserialize a slice of bytes into a Golang value using the Unmarshal() function. It's that simple. The following terms are equivalent in the context of this article: Serialization/Encoding/Marshalling Deserialization/Deco...
Stimulus: A JavaScript Framework for People Who Love HTML
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How to Create a Surreal Stitched Portrait in Adobe Photoshop
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My Favorite Front-End Development Extensions for Visual Studio Code
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How to Design Flat Icons in Affinity Designer: Introduction
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20 Top Graphic Design (Branding) Project Proposal Templates
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Introduction to Multiprocessing in Python
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The multiprocessing package supports spawning processes using an API similar to the threading module. It also offers both local and remote concurrency. This tutorial will discuss multiprocessing in Python and how to use multiprocessing to communicate between processes and perform synchronization between processes, as well as logging. Introduction to Multiprocessing Multiprocessing works by creating a Process object and then calling its start() method as shown below. from multiprocessing import Process def greeting(): print 'hello world' if __name__ == '__main__': p = Process(target=greeting) p.start() p.join() In the example code above, we first import the Process class and then instantiate the Process object with the greeting function which we want to run. We then tell the process to begin using the start() method, and we finally complete the process with the join() method. Additionally, you can also pass arguments to the function by prov...
How to Get a More Powerful Mix by Adding White Noise to Synths
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20 Awesome WordPress Podcast Themes to Make Audio Sites
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Custom Events in Laravel
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In this article, we are going to explore the basics of event management in Laravel. It's one of the important features that you, as a developer, should have in your arsenal in your desired framework. As we move on, we'll also grab this opportunity to create a real-world example of a custom event and listener, and that's the ultimate goal of this article as well. The concept of events in Laravel is based on a very popular software design pattern—the observer pattern. In this pattern, the system is supposed to raise events when something happens, and you could define listeners that listen to these events and react accordingly. It's a really useful feature in a way that allows you to decouple components in a system that otherwise would have resulted in tightly coupled code. For example, say you want to notify all modules in a system when someone logs into your site. Thus, it allows them to react to this login event, whether it's about sending an email or in-app notif...
How to Make a Table of Contents in PowerPoint in 60 Seconds
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Creating a Blogging App Using Angular & MongoDB: Delete Post
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How to Turn a Photo Into Comic Book Art in Adobe Photoshop
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How to Become a Better Writer: 10 Steps (Good to Great)
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How to Always Leave Work on Time Every Day (No Matter What)
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Connect Android Things to a Smartphone With Nearby Connections 2.0
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30 Top Items From the VideoHive Front Page (Winter 2018)
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25 Creative Photo Collage Templates for Adobe Photoshop
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Code an App With GraphQL, React Native and AWS AppSync: the Back-End
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Google Sheets to Excel: How to Move Back & Forth Between Spreadsheets
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Creating a Blogging App Using Angular & MongoDB: Edit Post
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How to Email Large Files as Attachments in MS Outlook
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Creating a Blogging App Using Angular & MongoDB: Add Post
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How to Create a Sari-Inspired Text Effect in Adobe Illustrator
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How to Create a Modern Retro Magazine Layout in Adobe InDesign
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How to Create a Harry Potter and the Mirror of Erised Illustration in Adobe Photoshop
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How to Create a Harry Potter and the Mirror of Erised Illustration in Adobe Photoshop
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Introduction to Mocking in Python
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Mocking is a library for testing in Python. It allows you to replace parts of your system under test with mock objects and make assertions about how they have been used. This tutorial will discuss in detail what mocking is and how to use it in Python applications. What Is Mocking? Mocking is a library for testing in Python which allows you to replace parts of your system under test with mock objects and make assertions about how they have been used. In Python, mocking is accomplished by replacing parts of your system with mock objects using the unittest.mock module. This module contains a number of useful classes and functions, namely the patch function (as decorator and context manager) and the MagicMock class. These two components are very important in achieving mocking in Python. A mock function call usually returns a predefined value immediately. A mock object's attributes and methods are defined in the test as well, without creating the real object. Mocking also allows y...